Stream of Life
date. 2021
client. Deepak Chopra / We Care Impact
Storytelling Through Art, Music & Dance
"The Stream of Life" is an interpretation of the poem by renowned Bengali poet, philosopher and artist, Rabindranath Tagore. Narrated by Deepak Chopra and shot in New York on 16mm film, the project was conceived in July 2020, as the world grappled with the overwhelming and ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With Tagore’s poem as the springboard, creator and director Nesma Bensalem conceptualized the film around 3 principles: movement, nature and the spiritual symbiosis between nature and humanity. The interpretation and expression of the poem’s ideas are simultaneously realized through dance, spoken word, music, and visually evocative landscape, to create a visceral experience that speaks with and to humanity. The boundaries between the creative forms of expression are fluid, each supporting the other as an epitomization of this world in which everything is interdependent.
Multiple artists, performers and storytellers – each carefully chosen for their artistry, genuine sensitivity and belief in the essence of the project – collaborated to create "The Stream of Life". The film reminds us of our strength in adversity, our ability for renewal and our inextricable connection to nature.
Turning A Short Film Into A Movement
I was tasked to help develop the rollout for this project, and build something that was bigger than just the film. What I ended up doing is leveraging Deepak's brand to tap into bigger networks, coordinating with YouTube to develop a Stream of Life series of content set to launch in collaboration with a Mental Health and Wellness campaign they were working on. In coordination with Deepak's team, we built out a 30-day Stream of Life program, featuring various influencers and coaches that would foster the development of our Stream of Life community.